carter monroe


so, you think you're different

breaking the stereotype
is some egotistic dream
it's same old, same old
'til the last hand's cashed

yeah, we're all different
but in the same way it seems
show me the man alone
who moves to that unheard sound

he thinks he's there
as did hundreds before him
in the end it boils down
to sensitivity and being able

to kick some ass doesn't hurt


waiting in the wings

sequestered in respite, i ponder
that broadway show
representing an 8 mm version
of trips provided
courtesy of what someone might call
historical significance

and i want my own descriptive words
my anti-redundant thoughts
to pay for the subway tokens

the swirl is beginning to hit
my nostalgia's in sweat
perspective becomes a tool of necessity

blaring facials come to root
in surreal and tepid contexts
life never stopped - i wouldn't let it

strength's ode denied
but too late as always
the night birds scream

insight is my traveling companion
a pillow and pillar
indiscreet in a nonchalant sense

but there's always destination
a casketed final resting
i think i'll like it

but who knows

carter monroe

     Carter Monroe lives, works, and writes in the provinces. His novel, Journey, was published in January 2001. He participated in a conspiratorial effort with Robert Canipe and Tim Peeler entitled Writers on the Storm. Both of these books can be purchased at most major book chains as well as the traditional internet outlets. Recent poems and stories have appeared in Poems Niederngasse, Poethia, Third Lung Review, Thunder Sandwich, The Americana Poetry Consortium, Lost and Found Times, and The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature.

• Sitting in With the Sun review by Jim Chandler Thunder Reviews •
"Sitting in with the Sun" available at Rank Stranger Press

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